The Liebherr family business was established in 1949 by Hans Liebherr. The great success of his first mobile, easy-to-assemble and affordable tower crane was the foundation on which the company flourished. Today Liebherr is not only one of the world’s leading manufacturers of construction machinery but is also an acknowledged supplier of technically innovative user-oriented products and services in numerous other fields. Over the years the family business has grown into what is today a group of companies, employing a workforce of approx. 22, 000 in more than 100 companies on all continents. Liebherr-Aerospace is a part of Liebherr holding. Main activities are developing and production FCS, Air Conditioning Systems and Landing Gears for aircrafts.
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Говорят что туда берут только специалистов оказалось все на самом деле по-другому кадровичка Грязина устроила там сплашной блат простые люди без прихвата не могут туда пробиться.